realizing you are the author and everyday is a new page."
Mark Halahan
I really like the above quote. It give such power to each day and to new beginnings. I am a person who loves many things and I keep questioning whether this keeps me from being really good at something. But I have decided that this is who I am and and even if I wanted to change I couldn't, so why worry about it.
I think finding your passion in life is so important. For me there are many things I am passionate about and that often changes from day to day. So I guess that is why I was attracted to the above quote. I want to remember that each day is a new beginning, a new day to learn, a new day to experience life, and a new day to find something that makes my eyes light up with excitement. So as the author of my life, I want to be passionate about living and experiencing life. If I can get really good at that, who could ask for more? Do your passions change? What excites you most now? I would love to hear and learn more about what you like to do each day so that the list of things I am learning about can continue to grow.
PS As I finished writing this post, I realized exactly what I want to focus on. I want to focus on learning more and more about all the wonderful things in this world that I know nothing about. Then I want to share that knowledge with others so that the things they are passionate about can also continue to grow.