Happiness is sharing someone else's special moments. This week for the first time my husband's exotic wood bracelets are being sold in a speciality shop in Blue Ridge Georgia. He has always loved wood and works with it as a hobby. As a result I have several unique pieces of furniture that he has built. Last fall I asked if he could make me a wooden bracelet. I think simple but my husband is very creative so he began designing all wood bracelets that are made of very beautiful and different types of wood. Each bracelet is different and one of a kind. Most are made of several types of wood uniquely put together. Nothing is painted which really surprises people because the colors of the bracelets are so rich. When our friends saw them they all said you have got to sell these. So we looked for an outlet and found this wonderful new store that is opening Saturday. The bracelets now proudly hang from a tree also designed and turned by Greg. So for me this week happiness was sharing someone else's very special moments.
It is Wishcasting Wednesday and today Jamie asked, "What do you wish to invest in?" Today the answer came to me immediately. I want to create more and be able to share what I do with others. I want to invest in classes to learn more about my camera and how to take pictures. In reality this is about investing in me. I did not grow up using technology and to be really honest until I learn about whatever new piece of equipment I have, I am afraid I will mess it up. So instead of jumping in with both feet, I find reasons not to use it. So today I am wishing that I will develop confidence in my ability to use all of the technology I have at my disposal to help me share the things that I create with others. The above watercolor is my first attempt at putting some action behind my wish. What do you wish to invest in?
Over the past four years I have taken many art classes with lots of different teachers. I love to draw and paint but truthfully this is not one of the areas that I have the most talent but for me it doesn't matter. I just love doing it. I had a really talented teacher once who I could tell was becoming a little frustrated with me because I wasn't progressing as fast as some of the other students. One day she told me, "Just draw what you see!" And that is when it hit me. I was! I just wasn't seeing the flowers or the trees or the people in the same way she was seeing them. And having been a teacher myself who believed that all students were different and deserved to be taught in different ways I was Ok with the fact that I saw things slightly differently than everyone else in the class. And with that knowledge came such a sense of relief. My paintings didn't have to look perfect. The buildings could lean a little to the left if that is what I saw. I could change the colors to suit me not paint only what the color wheel said was complimentary. So now I do draw and paint what I see and I couldn't be having more fun. What do you see?
Once a week I go to a local arboretum to take pictures or to draw. Years ago, when the area was farmland, the property was owned by two doctors who turned it into a wonderful garden. When one of the doctors passed away, his partner sold the property to the city and now everyone can enjoy the magical place they created. The property has beautiful trees, wonderful flowers and magnificent sculptures everywhere you look. For me this week, happiness is two-fold. The two special people in my life who are ill are getting better. And I got to spend a couple of hours in the garden on a sunny morning. A week could not get better than that.
This week Jamie asked, "What do you wish to dare?" Once again I had to really think about this question and to be very honest my answer is, "At this particular time, I don't wish to dare." In January my dreamboard was full of strong vibrant reds and golds and I was designing and building a small business. Now when I look at my dreamboard it is soft and white and quiet because I am enjoying what I worked so hard earlier in the year to build. So for the moment, I want to create in a soft peaceful palette and enjoy what I began to build earlier in the year. That does not mean that at some other time I will not need to dare to do something. What I am finally comfortable with is the fact that there are times for all things in our lives and that when we know who we are and what we want we can appreciate and enjoy each time for what it brings to us at that particular moment. So for this particular moment in time, I wish to enjoy, appreciate, and be grateful for all that I have. That is my wish for today. How would you answer Jamie's question?
I want to thank everyone who commented on my post last week about kindness. Because of your comments I have been thinking more and more about kindness and how important it is to not only be kind to others but to also notice the kindness that is all around us. It is so easy, because of the news or TV shows, to see the negative side of life. But this week when I was trying to find something to write about that made me happy I realized that there were things, even in a stressful week, that can make me happy if I take the time to look for them and recognize them. Kindeness can be seen, can be felt, and can be heard. It is often given quietly and quickly so it can easily be missed if we are not watching. It is easy to notice the negative things around us because they are often loud and brash. But there are also quiet, thoughtful, kind actions happening all around us each day. I have decided to look for, concentrate on, and give the appropriate amount of attention to them. So again thank you for your kind comments. They are greatly appreciated this and every week. Have a wonderful week filled with sunshine and kindness.
As I mentioned on Wednesday some very special people to me are going through some medical issues and I of course wanted to be there for them. As we went through the week, one of the things that I noticed constantly was how kind people were to each other. Although I would love to say that I see this all the time, that is not necessarily the case. But this week in the midst of all of the consultations and meetings, I observed kindness whereever we went. I saw families really supporting each other, I saw doctors and nurses and other employees really caring and listening to the patients, and I saw patients helping patients. This is a week that I hope to quickly put in the past, but I also hope that the kindness I observed will stay with me forever. It is Wishcasting Wednesday at Jamie Ridler Studio and Jamie asked, "What do you wish to be gentle with? My answer, for especially this week and next, is that I wish to be gentle with myself. Two people that are very special to me are going through some major medical problems and I need to be there for them which also means taking care of myself. It is funny because so many of the old sayings that my mother used to tell me when I was a teenager seem to make so much sense to me now. She used to tell me you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. So in order to be there for them, I know I need to do the simple things like eating right and getting enough sleep and staying calm so that I can be the support they need to face their very different but serious medical situations. Once again Jamie has come through with just the right question at the right time to help me put things in perspective. Thank you, Jamie.
Last week at Creative Everyday Leah asked if we had a special spot that we could decorate at home. This is my response to her question.
Last summer my husband and I took a wonderful motorcycle trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Since my husband often has to rest because of breathing problems, we stayed in a beautiful bed and breakfast with a view of the small lake and wonderful gardens. While he rested I would read and just reflect on the beauty of nature. We talked about how much I would love to have a spot like this at home and the things we could buy or make to create it. When we got home I went into my bedroom, looked at the chair facing in towards the room and the bay window on the other side of it. I quickly turned the chair around, opened the curtains and had the special spot instantly. No fuss, no money, just opening my eyes and looking through a different perspective. It is amazing what we can accomplish by looking at life through different lenses. Since this experience I look for the positive in a potential negative situation, I try to create beauty in the simplest way possible and I try to be open to new ideas and situations. I am so thankful that we were able to stay in the beautiful bed and breakfast but even more thankful that I was able to take that beauty home with me in so many ways. Is there a spot in your house that you could turn into a special place for you? I would love to hear about it. This was a great week. I graduated high school in 1964 which is a very long time ago. As we all did, I had a best friend. We did everything together and shared many, many good times. I moved away first and as life goes we lost touch. This week we saw each other again after 46 years and it was great. Someone asked me,"What are you going to talk about?" and I thought either we will pick up just where we left off and never stop talking or not have a thing to say. Well, I am very happy to tell you we never stopped talking or laughing. I don't have any of our old yearbooks so she brought hers. It brought back so many great moments. We were always laughing and getting ourselves in crazy situations as kids and we could remember almost all of them as if it were yesterday. So I am very happy that I was able to reconnect with my best friend from high school after all of these years. When she left today I knew that we had definitely reestablished those wonderful bonds and that once again my best friend was in my life. So my advice to everyone is to look up those old friends. It was so much fun!!!