"YES" just three letters that can change a person's life. Having the courage to say yes can open doors, lead to new adventures, and challenge one's sense of security. It's not always easy to say yes. There is often that little voice inside our head that makes it easier to say no. What if I take the chance and it doesn't work out? What if the new job or new city isn't all that it is supposed to be? What if I change the medium I am using to create and I am no longer successful?
But what if you say yes to the new job or the new city and you love it? What if you are more successful using a new medium or writing a book in the first person rather than the third? What if that adventure turns out to be just what you needed to take a small step towards a different but more satisfying life?
I am a cautious person. I like to have my facts in order before I say, "Yes!" But there are times when you can't have all of the facts and you have to go with your instinct or your gut. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. But I have learned that saying yes can lead to exciting opportunities and adventures that I never could have anticipated.
It's important to pay attention to how many times you say yes. Do you say yes to things you really don't want to do or are you aware of what is important to you and what makes you happy and that is what you say yes to most often?
Is there something that you would like to say yes to today? When you think of saying yes, how do you feel? When you visualize saying yes, what do you see? If you journal about saying yes, what do you write?
As we live a creative life or are creating the life we want to live, saying yes at the right time becomes more and more important. So think about what you want and when the doors open and the opportunities present themselves, be ready to say "Yes!" with all of the excitement and joy that the word deserves.
When you share your dreams and talents with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!
Create the life you want to live!
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