We live in a time where there is much upheaval and change going on from minute to minute in the United States. People that I speak to are very afraid of what is happening and uncertain of how the changes will affect them or those they love. As we learn that the things we have always counted on may be dismantled and watch those we strongly disagree with move forward with plans that will disrupt our lives, what can we do? That is the question I hear most often, "What Can We Do?"
I too am trying to figure out what I can do. We are all different and have to find the things that will work best for us. There are people who would rather not know what is happening and deliberately stay uninformed. That is not me. I truly believe the saying, "Knowledge is Power." I try to read and listen to the voices of the people I respect and who are in a position to know more than I do. I do my due diligence and fact check as much as I can. I try not to overreact or overthink things as I have a tendency to do.
We need to let our Representatives and Senators know how we feel about the decisions they are making or not making. If your Congressman is doing what you like be sure to thank him or her. If you disagree with them, let them know. They work for you. It does not take long to make a phone call or send a text. And it can make a difference if enough of us contact them and let them know how we feel.
Go to your local political meetings and get to know the people who support the ideas you believe in. 2026 will be here before you know it. Encourage candidates to run for office. Once they announce they are running support them in every way you can. Local government can make a difference. Change begins from the bottom up, not the top down. Get involved now. Don't wait. Do you have a special skill? Don't take it for granted. Let people know what you can do and how you want to help.
We need to work hard to make sure that our country does not turn into a place we do not recognize. Our children and grandchildren are counting on us to protect the freedoms that so many have worked hard for and fought for, We can't look away and pretend what is happening is not taking place. It is important that we do all that we can do while at the same time taking care of ourselves. We need to take a break when we need it. For me it has been watching fun stories on TV or reading light material. It's been meeting friends for lunch or taking a walk. It is planning a short trip and looking forward to seeing the ocean. For you it will be something different. It is important that no matter what you do, that you do it to take care of yourself.
I started this by saying this is a Special Moment in Time. It is. It's not the kind of special moment I ever wanted to experience but it is here and we have to do what we can to protect ourselves and the values that make this country special. There will be a time when we look back and wonder how this could have happened. There will come a day when we will rejoice that this period in time is over. What will you tell others you did to make our world a better place while still taking care of yourself?
When you share your gifts and talents with the world magic happens. Let the magic begin!