When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!
Create the life you want to live.
[email protected]
Last week I wrote about the very busy week I had. The week turned out to be ok but as I was experiencing it, I found it to be very stressful. This week was just the opposite. For the most part the calendar was empty and my first thought was Oh no. What am I going to do? And then I decided not to do anything. Not to fill the days but to see where each day led me. I decided to sleep in and to start the day with writing for just a few minutes. I went to the lake and read in the car because it was too cold to sit out side. I worked on my flower boxes and painted and read. I practiced yoga and talked to friends. I read a beautiful magazine called Bella Grace and enjoyed each and every picture and article. I really enjoyed the quiet and the solitude. It was a week when I did less but enjoyed it more. I hope that there will be many more weeks just like this one. Weeks when I do less and enjoy it more.
When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin! Ginny Create the life you want to live. [email protected]
I've been thinking a lot about what inspires me. Of course it is people that are excited about what they are doing and sharing it with others. It's women who as they grow older also grow bolder. They do what they want, say what needs to be said and continue to grow and take on new challenges. I'm inspired by the fearlessness of the young. And I am inspired by both Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton. They are of my generation and they are out there fighting to change the system. Whether you agree with them or not they haven't given up and both believe they can make a difference.
I'm also inspired by nature. It's colors, it's intensity. I have flowers that come back year after year no matter what happens. It can be the coldest winter or the hottest summer yet at the same time every year they begin to peek through the soil and are there for all to enjoy. It is such a reminder that even though there are adversities in life they can be over come. Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. It comes when you are looking for it or it surprises you by being there just when you need it most. It is free for the taking and can make the biggest difference in how we see our world and spend our days. I'd love to know what inspires you to live a life filled with joy and wonder each day. When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin. Ginny I just finished one of those weeks. One that you are so glad is over. Visits with the doctor, tests, test results, visits with the dentist, income taxes and much much more. It's what happens in life. It is a time that can, if you let it, make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Trips to Facebook didn't help. Everyone there seemed to be at the beach having a wonderful time. (It's spring break in the south) but what did help was visiting with new and inspiring artists. Reading about their techniques and sharing their excitement reminded me how much writing or painting or taking pictures can chase away those negative feelings that can visit from time to time.
As a creativity coach, I know that the creative process goes through many cycles. There are ups and downs. There are times when the ideas flow and times when we feel stuck or blocked. I know that many of the strategies that I successfully use in the creative process work just as well as I go through life's journey. Knowing that when I meet, either in person or online, new and exciting artists and writers inspires me to create is another tool I will put in my toolbox. Because I also know that once I begin to paint and write everything else seems to fall in place which is a great feeling. Is there a particular thing that you do to keep the creative process moving forward? I'd love to know what works for you. When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin. Ginny This was a week of inspiration. It began with the weather. Warm breezes and sunshine made every day seem special. It felt great to open the windows and let the fresh air in and to walk outside and feel the sun on my face.
I also found a volunteer position that I am excited about. I have looked for awhile to find what seemed right at this particular time in life and I know that I I found it. While searching the web for just the right thing I came across the Foundation for Hospital Art. They paint murals and paintings and tiles for hospitals all over the world to brighten the atmosphere for everyone who comes through the door. They also hold events where patients and their families as well as volunteers are involved in the painting. When I walked into the workroom everyone was so friendly and I immediately felt at home. I knew right away that this would be a wonderful way to give back. The paintings are bright and cheerful just as are the people who help to create them. What began as one man's simple act of kindness has spread goodwill and cheer throughout the world. Hospitals have murals and paintings created by patients and volunteers adorning the walls.And friends are made while creativity is expressed. Who could ask for more? Is there something special in your community that you like to take part in? I was pleasantly surprised to learn about this organization. I am sure there are many more that I have never heard of and would love to know about them. When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin. Ginny I have gotten away from the habit of reflecting upon the week that was and setting an intention for the week ahead. I realized this morning it was a practice that I wanted to get back to and Sunday's Inspiration is about to begin again.
Yesterday I was at my middle grandson's basketball game. There is nothing I like better than watching a team of boys have fun together while they grow as both teammates and people. They are out there having fun and learning many of life's lessons that will take them far in the years to come. Yesterday I was reminded of one of those lessons. At halftime the parents are asked to participate in a fun easy competition of their own. It's different each week but both the parents and the kids really seem to enjoy it no matter what the challenge. I usually look on cheering and clapping but not participating in the actual activity. Yesterday my son decided it was my time to get involved and did a little more than just encourage me to get up and take a shot. So I did. I tossed the ball into the basket and guess what - I made it. I won a a lot more than a small bag of popcorn. It was a reminder that in life there is a time to sit and dream and then there is a time to get up and take chance. If you have an opportunity to take a chance this week, this may be the time to take it. You never know what you might win. When you share your talents and your dreams, magic happens. Let the magic begin! Create the life you want to live. [email protected] "The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise see them." (found on Pinterest) This year I decided to record the simple but special moments that happen each day. I thought it would be a good reminder of what is important and what makes me smile or laugh or think or cry throughout the year. The days go by so quickly and I believe it is important to find ways to help them to slow down and this is one that is working for me.
This habit has helped me to remember that it is the simple things that bring me happiness. If I only wait for the big moments (and I do hope to experience them) I will be missing so much of what is important. It is the laughter of friends, the sounds of the voices of loved ones, the simple questions of concern and caring that matter to me. It's the sunlight on the kitchen table, a beautiful sky, or the flowers that I never thought would grow beginning to thrive. Yesterday was a very ordinary day. No great highs, no great lows and to be honest I was not really looking for a special moment. But it found me. As I went to turn out the lights to go to bed, I took one last look at the newly organized pantry and feel a moment of great satisfaction. It was a simple but special moment that I'm not sure I would have recognized if it had not been for my greater appreciation of the simple but very special things that happen throughout the day. I hope that you will join me in appreciating the simple things each day. It truly makes each and every day special. When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin! Ginny Create the life you want to live. [email protected] It is amazing how fast the time goes. Another year, another birthday and lots of time to reflect upon what's next. This month I had one of those big birthdays. One that you are glad you reached but on the other hand one that makes you think this can't be true. It was just yesterday that I was a teenager. But I know that in fact it was a lot of yesterdays.
I believe in looking for the positive and I've begun to really search for women who are older than I am who are living a full happy life. I was watching a video the other day of a 96 year old woman who just won a swimming competition in the over 65 age group. She was not only physically strong but she had such a good outlook on life just as she should. She said that one of the things she does every day was look for life's "little miracles" and she said that she always finds them. I call them special moments. She calls them little miracles. No matter what we call them we will know them when see or feel or touch or experience them. It's fun looking for and embracing the special moments each day. It's fun sharing them with others as I do on my Facebook page. And if it helps me to win life's competitions until I am 96 or older it is just that much more important. I hope that you will experience your own special moment or little miracle today. And I hope you will share it with us. When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin. Ginny Create the life you want to live! [email protected] I began the new year with lots of projects and ideas. But I forgot one thing. What works for me. It's keeping things simple and completing one thing before moving on to another. So after just ten days, I'm stepping back and reevaluating all of the goals I have set for myself.
It's good to remember what has worked for you in the past. For me it is keeping things simple, appreciating the small steps that I have taken, and then celebrating the finished product or project. What works for you? When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin! Create the Life You Want to Live [email protected] If you are curious about working with a creativity coach, now would be a good time to see what it is like. I always offer a free session so we can get to know each other before we start. Send me an email today and let the magic begin for you. I thought it would be fun to begin the New Year by writing and posting something on my blog. Since this is the year of writing my book, I thought it would be appropriate to start off the year writing something at midnight.
Last year I chose a phrase for my word of the year. It was Living Joyfully which has served me well. I looked for joy each day and found it in the most surprising ways. I am not ready to give up that phrase but I have added something to it. This year’s phrase will be Living Joyfully with Courage and Confidence. This was a year of learning about my new life. Next year will be about moving forward with courage and confidence. It will be a time to continue to try new things and to move out of my comfort zone more and more. Writing a book will be just one of the new things that I will tackle with joy, with courage, and with confidence. I have enjoyed choosing a word of the year. It is something that I can go to when making a decision. Will this (whatever this may be) bring more joy into my life? Does this take courage? If so, how can I do it anyway with confidence? Small questions, just like small steps, can lead to a world filled with adventure and opportunities. Do you choose a word to act as a touchstone? If not, it may be something that you would like to try this year. If you do, I would love to know what your word is. The best thing about choosing a word is that you can always change it if it does not work for you or if you need to use something else. Living a creative life and creating the life you want to live means you are in charge. What a great way to begin the New Year. I want to wish everyone a very happy New Year. It will be wonderful to see what exciting adventures 2016 has in store for all of us. When you share your talent and your dreams with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin! Create the life you want to live! [email protected] Lately I have not been inspired to paint or to write. I support others in their pursuit of their creative lives but mine had stalled for just a bit. But knowing the creative process as I do, I relaxed. I knew given time the desire to write would return as has the "I can't wait to paint today" feeling. There are times in all of our creative lives when we need to step back and take a break. When this happens, I let myself go with the feeling for awhile and see what happens. I look for inspiration but I don't frantically seek it out.
Friday morning I got up early and was riding into town when inspiration met me head on. I was going slowly over a short bridge and had to stop because of the light below. As I was waiting, I looked up to see the most beautiful Christmas tree atop the tallest building in the distance. The hospital had chosen all blue lights and it shone beautifully in the glow of the morning sunrise. I was in awe of its beauty and it was at that moment I knew I was ready to create again. Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. It comes when we are looking for it and when we are not. It comes from nature, people and things we cannot explain. The important thing is to be aware of it and to be open to it when it comes. Look for what inspires you this week. Then take the steps to bring more of that into your life. For me it just may be more early morning rides or walks to see what I can see. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas filled with inspirational moments! When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin! Create the life you want to live. [email protected] |