It is Wishcasting Wednesday and today Jamie asked, "What do you wish to invest in?" Today the answer came to me immediately. I want to create more and be able to share what I do with others. I want to invest in classes to learn more about my camera and how to take pictures. In reality this is about investing in me. I did not grow up using technology and to be really honest until I learn about whatever new piece of equipment I have, I am afraid I will mess it up. So instead of jumping in with both feet, I find reasons not to use it. So today I am wishing that I will develop confidence in my ability to use all of the technology I have at my disposal to help me share the things that I create with others. The above watercolor is my first attempt at putting some action behind my wish. What do you wish to invest in?
As Ginny wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!
becky nielsen
4/30/2010 03:33:23 am
Ginny, these look beautiful and I know what you mean about sharing someone else's joy. My husband makes some neat sculptures in our yard out of found stuff - and I'm always so happy when I hear neighbors saying how much they enjoy them. They tend to give me credit for doing the creative things around here - but he's really talented. Hope your husband's bracelets do well so he gets that satisfaction knowing that people appreciate the care he put into them. And how lucky for you to have the handmade furniture!
4/30/2010 08:20:57 am
That is a truly an inspiring watercolour and I feel that you will accomplish beautiful captures. I think like with every creation, the absolute joy is in the true expression of the moment and I believe you shall let yourself capture wonderful shots
Paula - Buenos AIres
5/2/2010 01:30:02 am
As Ginny wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
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