I think what impressed me most about this author was his passion for his subject matter. He loved what he was writing about, had a wealth of knowledge, and could bring his poem alive through the words he used to describe the life of a cowboy. He inspired me to keep on writing but also to always do something that I am passionate about. He also inspired me to share that passion with others.
I often write about transitional times in a woman's life. My stories always have happy endings with the woman becoming self-reliant and strong! I want to encourage women of all ages to follow their heart and their dreams. So often we put everyone else first and my goal is to encourage women to also think of themselves. This is what I want to be the theme of my stories and hopefully will come through in my paintings as well. I know I have the passion and now I need to remain true to my vision and keep on creating. I know by being persistant and never giving up I will reach my goal of living a full exciting creative life that encourages and inspires others to do the same. What are your passions? Are you persistent in following your dreams? I would love to know more about what you love to do.