Raymond Imon, Short story writer, novelist
I have been resisting going for a walk lately. I know I need to walk, the weather is perfect for a walk, and spring is my favorite time of year. So I was frustrated enough with myself to do a creativity coaching session around getting back to walking. I am a Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach and now am going through the training to become a master coach. I love the training and getting the opportunity to meet new people and revisiting the powerful tools that are part of KMCC. As a creativity coach I often work with people who want to get to something but for some reason are procrastinating or resisting the project. I often get to work with people who are overwhelmed or perfectionists. It is so rewarding to help people get started or restarted on their creative journey. As a coach I know when I am stuck and I was really stuck around walking. We had a great coaching session. I talked about the things that motivate me to walk and together we came up with my next small step to get back to walking. KMCC is all about being kind and gentle to yourself while you practice lots of self-care. It is also all about taking small steps to get you where you want to go.
After my call I was looking for a quote for today's post and I found the above quote. I definitely believe in synchronicity and I believe this was one of those moments. Walking does give me time to meditate and be quiet. The thought of angels whispering creative ideas into my ear is beautiful to me. So another reason to walk each day.
Is there something that you have been putting off that you would like to get back to? May I suggest a walk to get you started? It might be just the thing to get you motivated and give you some ideas on how you want to start. I am thinking of putting together a virtual walking group. We could encourage each other to walk each day and share the ideas that pop up as we walk. If this is something you might be interested in, let me know. It's free, it's fun and for me there is nothing that works better than the support of creative people sharing their journey. Won't you join me on a walk?
When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!