Sometimes it is hard to keep the vision, other times it is hard to trust the process, and some times it is difficult to remember both. But I have found that if I have a vision for my day, or week, or year then I have a road map for where I want to go and what I want to do. But I also know that life often takes a few twists and turns and that is when I have to remember to trust the process. When I trust the process I ask myself, "What did I learn from what just happened? Should my vision change or should I continue on the path I am going and see what happens next? I am always open to changing the vision if it is time to change, but I truly believe that it often takes time to create a vision and that I need to give myself that time.
Part of my creative vision for this year is to continue to grow as an artist. I want to paint more, learn more, and while getting better, not take myself or my painting so seriously that I am not having fun. Part of the process for me has been to post my work on my blog. It was really scary to do this at first, but the more I share my paintings, the good, the bad and everything in between the more comfortable I feel talking about my work and what I am creating. So by trusting the process I am strengthening the vision. I am learning that the more I paint, the more I want to paint. I am learning that I don't like all of what I create and sometimes I can improve upon what I have done and other times I need to start over. I am learning that I love the support of other artists as well the inspiration I get when I look at their work. I also know that this is a journey that has no ending. It will go on and on and that is exciting.
If someone asked you , "What is your vision for your creative life?" what would you say.
Remember: When you share your dreams with the world, magic happens.