I love the words effective action and quiet reflection. I visualize myself moving excitedly through the day taking action that will make a difference in my life or the life of someone else. I can see myself writing, or painting, coaching, or exercising. I can see myself playing a game with my grandsons or talking through a problem with a client. I can see myself at a play or an art gallery. I can see myself on a conference call or meeting with a friend at a coffee shop. I can see myself reading and researching and learning. All are things that are things I want to do that will help me reach my goals this year.
When I picture myself quietly reflecting it is at night. The lights are on and there is a feeling of warmth and coziness. As I reflect upon my day, I look with honesty at what I did. Did I accomplish what I set out to do? Where there things that happened that took me off my path but were important to do? Did I waste a lot of time and have fun doing it or was I just wasting time? What during the day made me feel excited? What did I not enjoy doing and could find another way to do it? What would I change? What would stay the same?
Action leads to reflection. Reflection leads to action. When I was still teaching I did a lot of this. I was always looking at the students, evaluating what worked for each of them and and then planning the next day's lesson. I had an overall plan for the week but I always knew that plan would need to be revised on a daily basis depending on the needs of my students.
Now, I am taking that philosophy into my personal life. I have a word of the year, I have weekly and daily goals which I change as needed. I realize that now that I am my own "boss" with all of the day mine to create, it is even more important to know how I want to spend my time and what I want to do. I am reflecting upon what works for me. This week I am really looking at my studio. How do I need to arrange my workspace so it works? Where do I want to put my paints and paper? How should I arrange the furniture? What do I need to add or take away? It is all a process that takes time. It starts with reflection. The next step is taking action, one small step at a time, and then reflecting again. It's simple but it works.
Reflection - Action - Reflection. If this is not something you are used to doing, try it in one area of your life. See what happens. See if it makes a difference. And let me know. One of my goals this year is connecting with more people who are living the life of their dreams or beginning to take the journey on creating that life. I would love to know what works for you.
Each Wednesday I share a creativity coaching tip. As a creative person we often resist structure. But structure can help us do the things we really want to do in a simpler more creative way. Reflecting upon what works for you is a powerful tool to have in your toolbox.
You don't need diamonds to to make your light shine brighter and brighter. It comes from knowing who you are, what you love to do, and sharing your dreams and your talent with the world. Then it is easy to sparkle. Ginny