Holiday Self-Care with the Muses
The holidays present the perfect time to look to the Muses for guidance. We often find ourselves overwhelmed as the season looms before us. This year let the Muses help you create the holiday season that feels right for you and your family.
Aha-phrodite – As you walk through the stores or out in nature what feelings do you get? Do bright colors and lavish displays call your name or is it the soft blues and greens that leave you with a peaceful feeling? We all experience those AHA moments. Take time to appreciate them and see where they lead you.
Albert – Albert helps us to think out of the box and to look beyond what we always do. If every year you place your tree in the same corner with the traditional decorations, is this the year to change things up a little? I know the kids and family love what you have done in the past but maybe this is the year to call upon both Albert and Audacity to give you the courage to break the rules. One of my favorite trees was covered in Pepto Bismol pink ribbons and Christmas decorations. I could tell by the looks on my friends’ faces as they walked in the door it wasn’t the tree they wanted in their house. But it didn’t matter. It was the tree that made me happy that year.
Spills and Bea Silly are great friends to carry with you throughout the holiday season. Trying to find the perfect gift for everyone is truly overwhelming. Mistakes are going to happen, gifts are going to get lost, and you may say Happy Holidays to someone who only wants to hear Merry Christmas. Bea Silly helps you to look for the fun in the season and Spills reminds you that mistakes happen and that it is ok to be imperfect. A wonderful season with a real person who makes mistakes is so much more fun that a supposedly perfect day with a person who has forgotten how to smile.
When you get tired, and we all do, remember Lull. She reminds us to take a break when we need it. You may even want to build that break into your day or week. Remember that it is ok to say no to something you really don’t want to do. Do the things that make your heart sing! Lull’s sister Song is someone I turn to often. She reminds me to be as kind to myself as I am to other people. During the holiday season a nice massage might be the perfect gift to give yourself or a day to just “be” whatever that means to you would be something Song would love to see you do. Nurture yourself during this season so that you can also be there for others if they need you.
Marge is someone we all need. She’s that person who tells us to get going. But the different thing about Marge is she reminds us to take small steps. Marge believes that it is easier to begin something as well as to get it done if you take small steps. And you know what. It works. Not only do you enjoy what you are doing you get a lot more accomplished when you follow Marge’s advice.
I hope that everyone has a fantastic holiday season and that you will take time every day to notice and enjoy all of the special moments that are there if we just slow down enough to notice them. Ginny
Circle of Dreams will once again meet in January. Circle of Dreams is small group online coaching. We meet weekly for six weeks to discuss a special project that you are just beginning to dream about or something that you want to finish but for some reason just can't seem to get to. Maybe there is something you want to do but just can't quite put your finger on. We can help with that too. My coaching approach has been described as peaceful, calm, and nurturing but very effective. If support is what you need from a group of like-minded women Circle of Dreams is for you. Spaces are limited so please let me know if you are interested or would like more information. [email protected]
When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!