Did you every have one of those weeks? Not a bad week. Not a great week. Just a week. That's how I feel today. When I picked up my pastels nothing turned out like I wanted it to. I kept trying but things just didn't work. So I decided it was time for a rest. Then I found the above quote and everything turned around. I started to ask myself simple questions. What if the product didn't matter as much as the opportunity? Shouldn't the fact that I have the time, the space, and the supplies be something to be very grateful for? Should I expect that every time I paint I will fall in love with what I do or should I be grateful for the chance to create, to play, to experiment, and to enjoy the moment?
Success comes in all shapes and packages. It means different things to different people. Success is often described differently at different stages of life. Tonight success means I have found a quote that makes me think about myself as an artist. It makes me question and ponder what is important to me - is it the process or the final product or is it a little of both? I don't think this is something I will be able to answer right away. I am going to take my time and think about it. This is not what I expected to write but I am grateful for finding the quote. And I am sure it will be interesting uncovering the answers.
What about you? What does success look like, or sound like, or feel like to you? Is it different now than it used to be? Is it different from one day to another. It is fun to ask yourself questions. Questions lead to answers which often lead to new and renewed energy. Where do you think your answers might take you?
When you share your dreams and talents with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!
PS Circle of Dreams starts in September. The circle is filled with women of all ages who want to support each other as they begin to follow their dreams. We would love to have you join us!
I have linked this post to Paint Party Friday a wonderful place to meet inspiring talented artists. We would love to have you join the party.