Vincent Van Gogh
I think we all have that little voice inside that from time to time decides to tell us we can't do something. It may be because of past experience or because if we can't do it perfectly we won't take a chance and do it at all. It may be because we compare our beginning work to the work of someone who has worked a lifetime at his craft. It may be because we are afraid of failure or even of success. It helps to know the reason so that you can overcome the fear but even if you cannot pinpoint exactly why that little voice began to appear you can begin to take steps to do whatever you want to do. One of the tools that I use when this happens to me, and it happens to all of us, is to say "Yes, I can!" out loud and then remember a time when I did something I never thought I could do. I never thought I would learn to ski, but I did. I never in a million years thought I would paint something and post it for the world to see but I am. I didn't think I could talk in front of large groups but now I love it even thought I am as quiet as a mouse in a group of four. It takes time, it takes practice, it takes determination and support but that thing you think you can't do. You can do it! So if you want to sing - sing. If you want to dance - dance. If you have always wanted to write a book - write. Tell that nagging voice to go away and say as loud as you can, "Yes, I can!" and than take a tiny step to begin.
When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!