I love these two simple sentences. As I journey through life and all of its stages, I have not always be aware of what nourishes me. Or even if I knew I put other things ahead of me and what my needs were. Sometimes that was necessary and I don't regret for one second putting the needs of others first. But at other times in my life it was not necessary. It was a habit that I had gotten into. As I slowly move through 2015, I am doing so with a heightened sense of awareness. I am looking for the things or people that inspire me to become all that I can be. I am noticing the colors that bring energy or a sense of peacefulness. I am watching how light can affect how I feel or how a simple bouquet of flowers can bring happiness each time I look at it. In order to create the life we want to live, we have to truly know ourselves. Where is your water? If you take the time to notice and appreciate what truly nourishes you, it can change how you experience each and every day.
When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!