Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
It is Wednesday and time to join all of the Wishcasters at Jamie Ridler Studios. This has become something that I look forward to each week. Not only have I met many wonderful people through this group but as an added bonus many of my wishes are coming true.
This week Jamie asks, "What inspiration do you wish to follow?" I am inspired by the magic of my dreams and the dreams of others. I love thinking of new things and making them happen. I love waking up in the morning excited about something I am going to do that day because I took a chance on me and my dreams. All great things begin with an idea and a dream. Dreams can be big or they can be small but once we own them and take the steps to make them come true they are always powerful.
Last week I wrote about opening the doors to Circle of Dreams. Because of all of your encouragement, I have decided to make that dream come true. The first Circle of Dreams will begin on Sunday, August 28. Let the magic begin!
Circle of Dreams
When you share your dreams with the world, magic happens!