There were times that completion meant a feeling of loss. There were times when I completed something that I felt a real sense of emptiness. All of the planning, all of the work, all of the excitement was over and the feeling that I was left with was emptiness. At these times I realized how much I enjoyed the journey and now that it was over how much I missed it. These were the times I asked myself, “What should I do next?”
Other times completion meant a feeling of joy and excitement. I had reached a goal or accomplished a task and I felt good about it. I already knew what I wanted to do next and I was ready to start.
Now completion means that one door has closed leaving room for another door to open. I have come to realize that there is always another door, another journey, another adventure to be taken. The important part is not the ending but the moments between the beginning of something new and its completion. Enjoying the challenge, the fun, the excitement and then celebrating the completion is what I do now. I live in the present while I prepare for the future. I don’t worry about what is going to happen next. I have come to realize that as long as I am open to learning new things there will always be a new beginning with a wonderful ending to celebrate. That is what completion means to me today. What does it mean to you?
Footnote: When I finished typing this piece I looked to my right. On my windowsill sat a quote and a note I wrote to myself on New Year’s Day. The quote was from Joseph Campbell and said, “Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors before.” The note that I wrote to myself said, “Trust that doors will open in 2012.” They have opened and I know they will continue to do so. Just another “wink” as Jamie Ridler would say from the Universe that I am on the right path.