I think that self-care begins with self-awareness. You can begin by asking yourself, "Am I taking care of myself in the best way that I can? Is there something that I would like to change? How can I make that change in the simplest way possible? What very small step can I make today to begin taking care of myself in the way that is best for me?
One of the ways that I take care of myself is to go to a yoga class once a week. Yesterday, I realized that this not enough but right now that is all that I can schedule. But I can begin a home yoga practice something that I have talked alot about but have never done. So my small step this week is to add one at home ten minute yoga session to my week. If I happen to go longer or add more sessions, then that is wonderful. But if I add just one ten minute session I have met my goal.
Is there something that you have wanted to do to take care of yourself? Is there a small step you would like to take today. I invite you to join me on this journey of self-care. We all have responsibilities that we have to take care of. But we also need to be sure that we are taking care of ourself. I would love to have you join me on this year of self-care which can begin today one small step at a time.