When I walked through the above gardens last spring I was overwhelmed by what one man was able to create. He had a dream and he made his dream a reality not only for himself and his family but also for others to share. Making our dreams come true is not always easy. It doesn't happen overnight but many of our dreams can come true. As a teenager my dreams were very traditional for the time. And many of them came true. As we age our dreams continue. They grow and change as we grow and change. I think it is a good thing to think about the dreams of the past . It is important to remember all of the steps that we took to make those dreams come true. It is good to celebrate those dreams; just as it is important to make new dreams.
Today I am dreaming of helping other woman to know who they are, what they want to do, and through my words support their efforts. I am dreaming of writing and painting and becoming a better photographer. I am dreaming of being inspired by other creative entrepreneurs and in turn inspiring someone else.
It is fun to dream and to plan and scary to take that first step. But every big adventure starts with a first step. Begin today by taking a minute to listen to your dream. Write it down. Look at it. Enjoy it and be excited by it. Maybe it is time to take the next step. Maybe just writing it down is enough. You decide. But remember: You are creating your tomorrows by what you are dreaming today. I believe that magic happens when we share our dreams. I would love to know what you are dreaming today.