Roy E. Disney
Value is the word that I would like to focus on this week. When you are living a creative life or creating the life you want to live it is important to know what you value. Sometimes the people or things we value the most are given the least amount of attention which in my opinion is the opposite of what it should be. The people and things we value should be given the most time, the most care, and the most attention of all that we do. And that definitely includes ourselves.
Living a creative life is not always easy and so it is important that we take care of ourselves. It is easy to get to the end of the day and realize that we have not take a breath or said a kind word or taken a minute to celebrate all that we have done. It is important to value the smallest step we have taken and to celebrate it. It's important to pause throughout the day to get up and walk away from our desk, to look out the window, or to take a walk around the block to clear our head or to inspire our thoughts.
What is it that you value? I value my family and friends. I value my health and my home. I value my time. I value my love of learning. I value my writing and I value my art. I value helping others. The list could continue and it will. It's important to know what you value and to be sure that it is given its rightful place in your life.
I'd like to invite you to take a minute to think about or write down the people and things that you value. Are you taking care of those people and things? Are they being given the time and respect that they deserve? If not, what one step could you take today to be sure that the people and things that you value are in your life not only today but everyday?
When you share your gifts and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!
Create the life you want to live!
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