Thich Nhat Hanh
Everywhere I look I see the word mindful. It's a great reminder for me to slow down and to be truly present in the moment. It is so easy to get lost in all that we have to do or think about that we forget what is important. As I become more fully invested in the concept that I am creating the life I want to live, I realize that in order to do this I have to be aware of what is important to me of what makes a difference in my life. I know that when I am writing or painting I am truly living in the moment. I am not thinking of what I want to do next or what I should do. I am fully present and enjoying creating something that may be just for my eyes or that I share with the people in my life or on my blog.
During the day I often take a moment to take a deep breath. This is my way of remembering to slow down and to enjoy what I am doing. I find that my life is going at a slower pace and that instead of getting less done, I actually accomplish more. When I focus on one thing it is easier for me to actually accomplish what I want to accomplish without feeling a lot of pressure or stress.
How many times have you heard someone say, "I'm so busy."? Being busy is a sign of importance to some people. But for others it is a point of exhaustion and of missing the most important things in the life; the things that you can't buy because they are priceless. It takes time to change a life filled with "always being busy" to a life filled with calm and special moments. It takes awareness of what is important to you and it takes courage to say "No" to those things that are filling up your day but not making a difference.
As you go through the rest of the week notice what makes you happy. Notice what brings a knot to your stomach and makes you uneasy. Notice when you feel calm and when you feel stress. Then decide one single thing you are going to change. Maybe you will get up five minutes earlier to begin your day without stress. Maybe you will stop for a cup of tea and to look at the flowers you planted or bought for yourself. Maybe instead of watching TV you will write a journal page, sketch in your sketchbook or take a walk. Make small changes but notice the results. I have found that one change leads to another but it is my awareness of the result of the change that is equally important.
I would love to know what change you make and the difference you feel. Please feel free to share your experience with me either in the comment section or at [email protected]
When you share you gifts and talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin.
As a coach I love to work with women who are committed to making a difference in their lives. Whether it is creating a life you want to live or working on a creative project, I can share with you the principles of creativity that have made a difference in my life as well as the women I work with. Let's talk today.