A is for awareness. The more aware we are of who we are and what makes up happy the easier it is to create the life you want to live. Once I realized that I was creating my life by the choices I made and the way I reacted to things that I could or could not control the more my life looked and felt like I wanted it to be. Knowing when I work best, if I work best alone or with a partner, or how much time I need to recuperate from a big project all helps me to make a schedule that works for me. Being aware of the environment in which I work best (really neat or a little messy or a lot messy) helps me to know whether to clean up my studio before I end the day or if that doesn't matter. Being conscious about the materials that I work with and the processes that work for me all make my creative journey so much more pleasurable. Knowing who supports my work and who doesn't understand it helps me to know who to share ideas with and who will be there for me when I need a sounding board.
Here are just a few simple but important questions that can help you in building your creative life.
- What did you like to do as a child?
- What do you enjoy doing now?
- Are you incorporating these things into your life on a daily/weekly basis?
- Are you a morning or night person? When do you accomplish the most?
- Is there a certain time of year that you are more or less productive?
- Do you need frequent breaks?
- Does your schedule reflect your answers?
- What color makes you feel alive?
- What sounds do you like? How can you bring those sounds into your world?
- Who supports you? How often do you see that person?
- What helps when you are overwhelmed?
- Do you need structure?
- Do you work well under pressure?
- What helps you handle stress?
- Are you using what worked in the past to help you with overwhelm and stress?
- What do you do for fun?
- What kind of self-care works for you?
- What do you do for relaxation?
- Are you building play into your life?
Knowing the answer to these and many other questions can help you to create the life you want. Awareness is the foundation to building a life filled with special moments and exciting adventures. Knowing yourself and what you want makes it easier to make the difficult decisions that life often surprises us with. Being ready is the key to moving forward when opportunity knocks. So take time to recognize what makes you happy. Then use that information to create the life you have always wanted to live.
When you share your gifts and talent with the world, magic happens! Let the magic begin.
One last question. Have you ever thought of working with a coach? It's a great way to get the support you need to move forward with your life. If coaching is something you have thought of but just haven't taken the step, email me and let's talk.