I always knew I wanted to be a teacher (I didn't think I could be an actress but that was my real dream). I got to stay home with my son but when he was ten I began to teach. I loved to bring out the creativity in my students and we wrote and drew and put on plays, etc. all while staying within curriculum. My teaching strategies were very different from most teachers but my kids scored well on standardized tests so everyone left me alone to teach the way that I taught best. It was great and I went on to share my way of teaching with others. Some loved what I did and some just didn't get it.
One year I went to a board meeting and when I got there I realized that this was the night that The Young Authors' Awards were being presented. I was so excited to see that every student that received an award had been one of my students at some point in time. It was one of those special moments in life that cannot be duplicated.
Fast forward several years to where I am now. I am retired and trying to find myself. It has definitely been a journey which has been frustrating at times but also one that I am glad that I have taken. I have been writing, painting, praciticing yoga and so much more. But because I was so serious in the early part of my life I told myself and others that this was my time to have fun. And it is. I want to have fun but I don't want to lessen the things that mean alot to me by saying "I write for fun" or "I paint for fun". I do both because they are important to me.
I think sharing ideas and communicating with others is important. I hope to do both through my writing and my painting. I have learned so much from what others have shared on their blogs. Hopefully, something that I have to say will spark an idea within one of my readers.
I am taking a writing class now. A common theme that seems to run through all of my stories is a woman going through a transitional time in her life and the moment that defines the path she will take. Maybe yesterday was that moment for me. The moment when I said that I was a writer and all of the moments when I read your words of encouragement. So again, thank you!! It meant alot to hear from so many special people.