We are all different. We are all special. And we are all unique. We all have unique gifts and talents and I believe that when we recognize and share those gifts and talents something special happens not only for us but for those around us. Knowing who we are and appreciating the uniqueness that makes us special is truly a gift that we should accept and treasure.
Some people love the spotlight. They thrive on being seen and heard. Others with just as much talent turn away from it. You know who you are. In my other life we had to attend meetings, lots of meetings. Eventually you got to know all of the people who were also attending. There was a group that came to be known as the head nodders. They were the people who nodded no matter what was said, They wanted to give the impression that they were doing it all, and noone was doing it better. Then there was the group who sat quietly and said very little although everyone knew that they were actually doing it all and not just doing the work but doing a great job. I always wished that the head nodders would do what they were saying they were doing and that the silent majority would actually share what they were experiencing so we could all learn from them.
Only you know what makes you shine. Only you know what gifts you have to offer the world. But I do know that you have a gift that we are all waiting to receive. It may be a book you want to write and we need to read. It may be a painting that will make someone feel good or evoke a memory that is important. It make be a piece of jewelry that you make that will make someone feel special everytime she wears it. Or it could be the perfect cup of coffee to start the day, the garden that makes the neighborhood beautiful, the welcoming smile on your face everytime you say "hello" or the hug you give to friends and strangers alike that makes them feel safe. You have a gift. Recognize it. Celebrate it. Share it. "Why fit in - when you were born to stand out." The world is waiting to get to know you!
Remember: When you share your gifts and talents with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin.