I spent last week visiting my sister and I had a wonderful time seeing everyone and getting to spend time at the beach. What I didn't do was write my Sunday post and start my week with a quote. This has become a habit of mine and while I thought it made a difference; I didn't realize just how much of a difference it made. I usually leave the quote on the kitchen table where I do a lot of my work and look at it often. I pick a quote because it speaks to me. Sometimes it is a reminder of what I need in my life. Other times I just like it and I am not sure why but by the end of the week I usually realize why I picked it. Last week there was no reminder. Nothing to guide the way and I missed it.
I have been reflecting upon my goals for the year and trying to decide where I am, what I need to change, and what should continue. Should I continue my blog in the same way was a question that I was reflecting upon. Does it make a difference for my life or for someone else's? And then this morning as I was looking through the quotes I have gathered I saw this one, "Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it."
I know that creativity plays a big part in my life. I know that because of it I do pay attention more. I pay attention to the beauty of nature, to the colors that surround me, to the sounds in the air and to what other people experience and create. When I am writing or painting I often ask myself the question, "What if?" What if I used this color instead of this, what if I took out this sentence and added this one instead? What if the main character was a girl instead of a boy? "What if?" stretches my imagination and has become a part of my life.
I am astonished every day. I am astonished by what people can create. I am astonished by how much the world is changing. I am astonished by how it feels to interact with people I have never met in person yet consider them some of my best friends. Over and over I am astonished and it brings a positive energy to my life.
So now to the last sentence. Tell about it. I've always loved to talk about things. It helps me to understand and to process my thoughts. I love a good discussion and to learn from others. So yes, tell about it is important to me. In my blog I am sharing my thoughts and telling about my world and my creative process. I don't share how I paint or write because I don't feel like an expert in either area but I do express how I feel and how living as a creative person has changed how I experience life. So the decision has been made - I will continue to tell about it.
As a creativity coach it has been such a joy to work with others who are learning about their creative process. It's been so much fun to share the strategies that work for me when overcoming things like procrastination or overwhelm not just in the creative part of my life but in life in general. So I will continue to tell about it and hope that someone else will benefit from my reading my words. It's actually amazing how much reading one quote has shaped my thoughts and actions this morning. This is definitely a creative practice that I will continue to enjoy. Is there a creative practice that has made a difference in your life?
When you share your talent and your dreams with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin.
Create the life you want to live.
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