When I saw this quote I fell in love with it. All you have to do is fly. The image of a baby bird sitting on the edge of her nest ready to take that leap came to mind. It's scary to take that first step or that first leap. But in order for our wings to get stronger we have to use them. The first time I wrote a blog post I was scared. The first time I posted a picture that I had painted it was so hard. But over time it has become easier. Someone just asked me, "How do you handle the negative comments?" I've been lucky everyone has been kind and encouraging. I've not met one person who was negative. And if I do one day, I will just remember all of the wonderful kind and supportive people I have met over the years and not let one person's opinion stop me from moving forward.
How would you like to use your wings this week? What step would you like to make to create the life you want to live? It doesn't have to be a big leap, a small step can make a big difference. This week I am going to call two people to share with them my coaching business. That's not a lot of calls but it is the beginning of doing something that I am not entirely comfortable doing. It's a start. It's stretching my wings just a little farther. I hope you will join me and stretch your wings too. I bet we will have fun flying!
I love working with women to help them create the life they want to live. If you are interested in a free 30 minute coaching call, please contact me at [email protected]. I would love to talk to you.
When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!