Eleanor Roosevelt
I really like the above quote because I strongly believe that when we believe in ourself and our dreams there is nothing we cannot accomplish. It is very normal to have a dream and then to begin to doubt yourself and the reality of your dream. It is not unusual to let those doubts keep you from taking the steps necessary to make your dreams come true. There are many things you can do to keep your dream alive. Start noticing the steps you are taking to move yourself in the direction of your dreams. They don't have to be big steps. Thinking about your dream is a step. Writing about it is a step. Talking to people who have accomplished what you want to do is a step. Creating a visionboard is a step.
Keep a record of what you do. Celebrate what you do. Acknowledge that you are moving forward no matter how tiny the movement is. It is easy to become overwhelmed with our dreams. It is easy to procrastinate or to become afraid. That's normal. But once you realize that you are making strides and although it may take awhile, your dream can come true, the path doesn't seem quite so long or hard.
My questions for you this week are: What is your dream? What tiny step can you take this week to help your dream become a reality?
Many many months ago I had a dream of holding a creativity workshop with three friends. It has taken longer than I expected to happen but on Novemember 12th we will hold the first Unleashing Your Creativity Workshop. It will be smaller than we thought but we are just as excited as if hundreds of people registered. I share this with you because I know there are so many women just like us who are beginning to create their dreams. I know the path is often filled with twists and turns but what I have learned is that sometimes those twists and turns can open up opportunities that you never knew existed. So I urge you this week to think about your dream and the steps you can take to make it come true. Then when it feels right take the first step. See how it feels. Celebrate all that you learn from taking that very first step. The first step is often the hardest and often the most exciting. And if you ever feel like sharing your dream, I would love to hear all about it!
When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin.