For me this quote is the perfect reminder; a wonderful way to start the week. It reminds me not to wait. It reminds me that I have the power to make the moment perfect. That being said perfection is a hard thing to attain and to maintain. But noticing the perfection that is all around us each day is much easier. It takes slowing down and really noticing what we are doing. It's the way we feel when we open our eyes. It's the first smell of coffee or the sounds of the birds in the backyard. It's the sunrise and the beautiful colors of the sky as the sun begins to go down. It's the laughter of small children, the sharing of a special event with family or friends and the appreciation of all that we have.
As I simplify and slow down it is easier to see and appreciate the small but perfect moments. As a Kaizen-Muse Creativity coach, one of the strategies I share with my clients is using a Reminder Journal. It's a way to remember what is working in our lives and to celebrate not only the big moments but those special perfect moments that occur throughout the day. It's easy to forget what truly brings us happiness; but opening up our journal is a simple way to remember.
I hope that this week you will experience many perfect moments. I also hope that you will slow down enough to not only experience them but to also enjoy, appreciate, and remember them for a long long time.
Close your eyes and picture what special moments you have already experienced today. Then take a moment to share them with us.
When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin.