Each Sunday I begin my week with a quote to inspire me and a question to think about throughout the week. Last week I thought a lot about my style of painting and what I would like to change. Then this morning I read this quote and it reflected some of the thoughts that I had been having since my yoga class on Tuesday. The class is small and I was the only one who was able to attend. After class we were talking about my very new meditation practice. I shared that when I am painting water (which I usually do) it is as if I am meditating. I get totally lost in what I am doing and my mind is not racing with all types of thoughts as it so often does. I am in the moment and my mind is quiet. I had recently learned that many people meditate as they walk so I questioned whether I could meditate as I paint. I decided that I could consider the time I spent painting as a part of my meditation practice. This decision shifted the way I felt about other things I was pondering. I paint water all of the time. I can start to paint something without water and it will end up in the painting anyway. I was starting to worry that I might not be growing as an artist because I was painting the same thing over and over. But I've decided that for now this is what I am supposed to paint. I am going to embrace my paintings and my style and not worry about whether I am growing. I have a feeling that the more I paint, no matter what the subject, the more I will grow.
People say they often feel a calmness when they look at my work. I am naturally a calm person so I am glad that my paintings reflect that. There are times when I think my work should reflect more energy but then I realize they reflect who I am and what I see. They are a part of me and that is not something I want to change.
So my question this week is: Do your paintings reflect who you are and what you see? I have often had teachers tell me to paint what I see. When I tell them I am, they walk away looking confused. I don't often see things exactly the way others do. And that is fine, if what I see reflects who I am not who someone else wants me to be.
Remember: When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin today! Ginny