Being resilient is something we have all had to be since my husband's diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension. We all face challenges in life and ours just happens to be this at this point in time. It has helped to be able to accept our "new normal"
and to be able to adjust what our expectations are for the day as the day moves forward. Learning to look for the twists and turns before they occur, being really organized, and recognizing what is working really helps. This is not something I always did as I experienced life but I realize now it would have helped make some of life's other challenges less difficult as well.
So resilience is my word or inspiration for the week. This week I am going to look for the times throughout the day that we meet challenge with resilience and acknowledge those experiences. Knowing what is making us stronger only helps us to continue to be stronger. I was in a class this week and Diane, a coach and participant said, "With intention comes energy." My intention is to meet each challenge this week with resilience and a smile. I believe I can do it!
Have you ever thought about how resilience plays a part in your life? It may be helpful to take a few minutes this week to think about how you have been resilient and what a difference it made in how you reacted to a situation or problem. It doesn't have to be something big. Just a problem that you faced with I can do this attitude.
When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!