Sometimes we are so busy creating something new that we forget to take the time to celebrate those things that have already brought us joy. As I move deeper into the holiday season, I am going to take time each day to reflect upon the simple things that in the past brought me happiness and laughter and joy. I am sure they are the moments that spontaneously occurred without a lot of planning. Watching out of the window for Santa Claus, deciding at the last minute to sing carols with neighbors, opening a drawer and finding the present that I had hidden months ago and couldn't find all come to mind. A ride in our pajamas to look at the twinkling lights in the neighbors windows or a hot cup of chocolate on a cold night are also special memories.
I think it is important during this very busy season to spend some quiet time each and every day. It helps us to create special memories as well as to remember what is truly important. The gift of quiet is very special and one that I hope you will give to yourself each and every day.
When you share your talents and your dreams with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!