What are you reading? In the past I was always a really fast reader and read one book at a time but read it in a day or two at the most. Now, I seem to have slowed down and may have multiple books going at once. Right now I am reading The Chaperon for a bookclub I just joined and The Tipping Point on my Ipad because everyone was talking about it at dinner on Thanksgiving and it sounded really interesting.
What are you watching? I love television. Right now I am watching Scandal and The Paradise on Masterpiece Theater. I've taped both and I am catching up on episodes that I missed. I also love reality shows even though I know they are edited to make them more interesting. I am a big Survivor fan so I watch that every Wednesday night. When I retired the teachers gave me a Survivor retirement party with buffs and all.
What are you listening to? I really enjoy Christmas music. It puts me in the mood for the holidays. So I am listening to Christmas music except when I paint. Then I like it to be really quiet.
What are you loving? I love my family. Just thinking of my grandsons brightens my day. They are so curious and have so much fun each day. It is a joy to be able to spend time with them.
What are you wearing? It's cold here so I am wearing a hooded sweatshirt at the moment. I love to be comfortable and warm in the fall and winter. Slippers, boots, scarves, light but warm capes, sweaters, and gloves - they all equal winter to me.
What are you creating? I am creating a coaching business called Special Moments In Time Creativity Coaching. Last December I became a certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach. I love working with women to help them reach their goals and dreams. I truly believe that if we are following our dreams each moment can be special.
What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to a simple holiday season. I love the colors and sounds and smells of Christmas. I am looking forward to decorating and listening to Christmas music as we put up our tiny tree. I am looking forward to spending time with family and friends as we celebrate the holiday season. I am also looking forward to the new year with all of the adventures that it is sure to bring.
It is always fun answering questions that help us remember what is important to us. Being aware of what we love to do is the first step in creating the life we want to live. Thank you so much Jamie and Shannon for perfect questions to start the month of December.