As I move forward through 2015, I do so with a greater awareness of what is working for me and what is not. My phrase for the year is Living Joyfully and I try my best to notice the things that bring me joy each day. Because it is so easy to move through 24 hours without really stopping and thinking about what I see or notice, I have decided to begin my day with an intention and to end it by taking time to reflect upon what I am grateful for. It takes just a few minutes to do both but it makes a big difference in how I feel about each day.
The things that I am grateful for are also the things that bring me joy. It's not possessions that make me smile but people. It is the things they say, the things they do, the conversations we have and the experiences we share. It is the people I have known for years and the people I have just met. It can be a simple hello, a quick wave or a beautiful smile. It can also be a serious conversation that allows each of us to understand not only ourself but the other person in a deeper more meaningful way. I am always learning and changing and growing. But I hope that this practice of starting the day with an intention and ending it with a reflection of the things that I am grateful for will stay with me for a very long time. It is definitely a key that opens the door to living joyfully.
Is there something that you do each day that makes a difference in your life?
When you share your dreams and your talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!