There was a time, many many years ago when we lived close to the ocean. At first we went to the beach all of the time but then life seem to take over and we took for granted what was so close to home. Eventually we had to move and we no longer could go to the beach whenever we wanted to and we missed it. Now we live close to the lake and we go all of the time. We make a point to go even if it is only for five minutes. It is too easy to take things for granted. I realize the lake is not quite the same as the ocean but it is beautiful in its own right.
So for me this week happiness is remembering how lucky I am that I once lived close to the ocean and how lucky I continue to be to live close to the lake. Happiness is also acknowledging that although we may always have our favorites (for me it is the ocean) there are other things that can bring us just as much joy if we allow them to.
What made you happy this week?