Please take a minute to visit the wonderful artists who share their work at Paint Party Friday.
It is a great way to start the weekend.
There is always something to be grateful for, but some weeks it seems harder to remember this than others. That is why I try so hard to stop and think each day about what has happened over the past 24 hours that was special in its own way. This week as I drove home each day, I noticed the leaves changing colors. Each day more and more trees proudly displayed brilliant red, bright yellow, or vibrant orange leaves. It's hard not to feel good when nature presents us with a beautiful gift each day. And it is those gifts of color and beauty that I am very grateful for this week. What made you happy or smile this week? I would love to know.
Please take a minute to visit the wonderful artists who share their work at Paint Party Friday. It is a great way to start the weekend.
10/18/2012 11:09:21 pm
Lovely colors and reflection ~ (A Creative Harbor)
10/19/2012 01:12:11 am
Lovely, glowing colors that draw you in. Happy PPF!
Annette Goatley
10/19/2012 03:33:32 am
Smashing colours and reflections. Colours make me happy. Happy PPF, Annette x
Linda K
10/19/2012 03:50:30 am
this is so lovely and peaceful...happy PPF!
10/19/2012 08:21:15 am
Every night when I turn out the light I try to think of all the things I am grateful for from that day. I really think it's a nice way to end the day. I really like your painting.
10/19/2012 09:49:33 am
What a wonderful and serene landscape painting!
10/19/2012 01:32:05 pm
at the moment our street is covered with amazing jacaranda flowers... they are the perfect blue purple and it feels like you are driving over a sea of colour... I love this time of year...xx
I agree with Denthe…looks like i have stepped into a dream world. Adore the way you rendered the tree and the still water, beautifully captivating.
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