This has been a week filled with rain, mud, and construction workers. It has also been a week filled with Valentine's candy and birthday celebrations. I am grateful for all of it except for the mud. I could definitely do without the mud. It has been a pretty ordinary week but even in a week that is fairly routine there are special moments. A hug from my grandsons, an email from a friend, an inspiring quote on a blog, and hearing my husband say just a week after his surgery, "I think I can breathe better today" are all things that I am very grateful for. This has been another ordinary week filled with many special moments. It is amazing how many things you can find to enjoy and celebrate when you take the time to appreciate all of the little things that make life so special. I would love to know what you are most grateful for this week.
PS The painting above was done to help me remember a very special time long ago. I have always loved the beach and when we were first married we lived for three years at the beach. It was a special time but it is only now that I realize how very special it was. I am grateful that I have such wonderful memories of being a very lucky but naive newlywed almost 45 years ago.