I love to start the week with a quote that reminds me of how I want to live. This week I was thinking once again about the importance of self-care when I found this quote. It was a moment of synchronicity. After cleaning up my studio I was thinking about how much better I feel when everything is in its place. I don't even mind organizing things because I enjoy the results so much. Everything was put away and I was sitting down to write when I saw one scrap of paper that I had missed. When I turned it over the words, "Be gentle first with yourself if you wish to be gentle with others." jumped out at me. What an important reminder to me to do the things that make my life easier and happier. What an important reminder to treat myself with the same gentleness and kindness that I want to treat others. When I was young I was great at self-care. It just came naturally. But as I matured and other people and things needed me I often put myself last as so many women do. But now I realize that was a mistake. No matter how old or how young, no matter what our responsibilities, we need to make time for ourselves. It may take planning, it may take finding your voice and asking for help, you may have to remind yourself what it is that you really need but it is important to take care of you. It is important to be gentle with yourself. It is important to know who you are and what you need so that you can do the things that make you feel happy and content. Life is never perfect but when we are rested, eating food that is good for us, and doing the things that make us happy, it is easier to deal with the ups and downs that we all experience.
Recently, I decided that one thing that was missing from my life was reading. As a child I read constantly. But for the past year or so I hardly ever read unless it was connected to learning something about creativity or coaching. There is nothing wrong with that and I enjoy it but I missed losing myself in a good novel. I love to travel with the heroines to a foreign country or solve a mystery with a great detective. I missed the adventures I had just by sitting quietly on my couch and reading. So my intention has become to read more novels this summer. To bring back into my life something that I love but had put aside for awhile. For me this is easy. Less TV, more books. It's not always this easy to put something back into your life but it is easy to begin to take a small step to make that happen. One small step leads to another and before you know it you are doing what you have longed to do.
I hope that this week you will be gentle with yourself. I hope that if there is something you want or need to do to take care of yourself you will do it. Take a few quiet moments to think about what it is that you can do to be a little more gentle with yourself. Then begin to take the steps necessary to do it. Is this always easy? No. Is this always important? Yes!
When you share your dreams and your talent with others, magic happens. Let the magic begin!
Positivity coaching with Ginny is like talking to a good friend. She always asks the questions that opens the door to finding the next step. Sometimes just one call is all that it takes to get me moving forward on my dream. ARS