Thank you Jamie for asking this question. It is a great way to start the day.
What would you like to celebrate today?
Today Jamie of Jamie Ridler Studios asked, "What do you wish to celebrate?" I wish to celebrate each day, each hour, and each moment. I have found that the more I notice and celebrate all of the simple but special things that surround me the more I have to celebrate. So I would like to celebrate my life and all of the people who are part of it and make it so special.
Thank you Jamie for asking this question. It is a great way to start the day. What would you like to celebrate today?
No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination.
Edward Hopper (The Artist's Way - Chapter 11) What wonderful things can you imagine happening this week? Are there people you would like to see, places you would like to go, or some quiet time you would like to have just for yourself? Imagining or visualizing something special is the first step. Take that first step and then the next to create for yourself the special moment, hour, day, week, or life that you have always imagined. You deserve it! What are you imagining this week? When you share your dreams with the world, magic happens! It is Friday. Friday is the day that I set aside to reflect and think back on the week and all of the moments that I have to be grateful for. Some weeks it is all about people. Some weeks it is about nature or that special cup of coffee. Once in a while there are really big moments to celebrate but most of the time it is about the simple things that happen that I am most grateful for.
This week I am most grateful for the kindness of people. It has been a stressful week but everywhere we went we met (sometimes just for a second) people who went out of their way to be kind. I am grateful for the quick smile from a stranger, the incredible amount of time my husband's doctor spent with him, the down and dirty CPR class I received from my trainer, and all of the kind words I received from fellow bloggers. In the midst of all our unexpected medical adventures this week, we were getting the inside of our house painted. I am so grateful to the painters who went out of their way to do lots of extra things that we had not asked for but that they realized would make our lives easier. Each day comes with its own special moments. As I continue this practice of gratitude, I become more and more convinced that even in the midst of very trying times there are many many moments to appreciate and be grateful for. I believe when we slow down and take the time to notice and appreciate each moment our lives become even more blessed. This week has certainly proven that to me. What are you grateful to have experienced this week? |