It's Wednesday and time to see what Jamie at Jamie Ridler Studios asks the Wishcasters to reflect upon. Today Jamie asked "What do you wish to make progress on?" That's easy. My book! I have been diligently writing this summer and I am making progress. It is fun to see the story unravel and decide what my heroine should do next. Although I am creating all of her adventures, sometimes it seems like the book is writing itself and I am just along for the ride. So I would like to continue to make progress on my book and share this experience with others. If you are a writer and would like to share what you are doing, I would love to hear from you.
Each Friday I take time to reflect upon the past week. I have so many things to be grateful for and beginning and keeping this practice has helped me to remember that. As you start to notice and appreciate the things that are special in your life, those things seem to grow and multiply. It seems that lately I am meeting lots of new and interesting people. This week I had coffee with a very inspiring art therapist who after meeting and talking sent me a long list of good books to read about women and transformation. She is hoping to volunteer with an organization that I am volunteer coordinator for and we met to talk about the Elm Street Cultural Arts Village. We had never talked before but our conversation was so interesting. When I was young and very shy meeting someone who I did not know would have been very difficult but now I see it as a wonderful chance for learning and making new friends. I am so grateful that I have been able to learn and grow from others and that I have opened myself up to new experiences, new people, and new ideas.
Each time I meet someone new and learn about what they are doing it turns out to be a very special moment. I am grateful for all of these moments both past and present. My life as been so enriched by each and every person and the time we have spent together. So I want to thank everyone who has shared a special moment with me. Without knowing it, you have made a difference in my life. |