An Invitation - Last year as part of Jamie's Happy Book Mail Around we shared something that made us happy each week. Jamie gave me her blessings to continue that tradition. On my blog each Friday, I will post my special moment of the week. It will be something simple that made me happy or smile. I invite you to join me and leave a comment sharing something that made you happy. I know we live in a very difficult time but sharing your special moments can often soften the hard times and make the good times even more special for you as well as for everyone else.
Every Wednesday I take part in Jamie Ridler's Wishcasting Wednesday. Jamie's questions always make me think and reflect upon what is important to me. Today Jamie asked, "What do you wish for the world?" My wish is that everyone in the world would know and accept that while we may be different depending upon where we live and what we experience we are all still very much the same with the same wants and needs. I wish that we could all accept each other's differences and value each other's traditions and spirits. I wish that we could get to know each other on a deeper level and understand each other as unique and special beings. There is a saying that knowledge is power. I believe that if we took the time to get to know and appreciate each other the world would be a better place. My wish for the world is that it be a place where people get to really know each other, get to understand each other, and take the time to love and care about each other no matter what their differences. That is the world I want to be a part of.
An Invitation - Last year as part of Jamie's Happy Book Mail Around we shared something that made us happy each week. Jamie gave me her blessings to continue that tradition. On my blog each Friday, I will post my special moment of the week. It will be something simple that made me happy or smile. I invite you to join me and leave a comment sharing something that made you happy. I know we live in a very difficult time but sharing your special moments can often soften the hard times and make the good times even more special for you as well as for everyone else.
"Time does not change us. It just unfolds us." Max Frisch
I have given alot of thought to the above quote. I have spent alot of time trying to change things in my life. I have come to the opinion that I can offer suggestions, share stories, and be a good listener but I can not change anyone but myself. Then I read the above quote and I stopped to think. Have I really changed that much or have I unfolded into the person I am supposed to be? For me that is a much gentler way to think about life. I am observing spring unfolding each day before me. The plants are pushing through the ground, the buds are opening on the trees and I am starting to hear the birds chirping again in the morning. The seasons are changing but the world around me is unfolding. From the time I was very little I really enjoyed three things. I liked to read, write and draw. I have experienced many many things in my life but I still like to read, write, and draw. As my life has unfolded and I have grown and experienced changes, without realizing it I have used these opportunities to become better at the things I really love to do. I like to think of my life as unfolding. What opportunities for growth and change will I be able to take advantage of to become the person I want to be? The idea of change can be intimidating but unfolding into a better writer, unfolding into a more accomplished artist sounds exciting. How would you like to unfold? "Trust in what you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go."
Natalie Goldberg What do you love to do? I had a wonderful creative coaching session with Jamie Ridler yesterday. One of the things that I mentioned was that I missed Happy Friday which was part of Jamie's Happy Book book club. And of course Jamie said, "Well, do it!" So I decided to continue what Jamie started last year just with a different name and see what happens.
I am going to call my Friday post Special Moments of the Week. We all have so many special moments each day. If we start to notice them, it is as if we are creating a beautiful quilt or collage or stringing one pearl after another to create an exquisite necklace. When I was participating in what I called Happy Friday it seemed like each week was filled with an extraordinary amount of special moments. I don't think there were actually anymore special moments. It was just that I had become more aware of them and was anxious to share them with all of the other people who were part of the book club. We shared beautiful sunrises and sunsets, special things our children and grandchildren said and did, wonderful pictures, paintings, stories, and poems. I'd love to see that happen again. So I am inviting you to join me each Friday to share something special that happened to you. You will be surprised at how uplifting this can be. Just leave a comment and let us know what special thing you noticed that made you feel good. We actually had three surprising things happen to us this week. My special moments don't usually revolve around money but this week they did. Our dogs go to a daycare once a week because our puppy is so unusual and needs the socialization ( that is another post in itself). When we went to pick them up and pay we were told that this week was free. What a nice surprise. Then we found out that something we had to have was going to be much more affordable and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off of our shoulders. Special Moment number three came in the form of a thank you note to my husband. My husband is a woodworker. Quite awhile ago a neighbor he did not know asked for some advice and a price on getting some work done. They had several conversations and the neighbor decided to put the project on hold. This week they sent not only a very nice thank you note but a check for his time and advice. It was unexpected and unnecessary but he really appreciated that they valued his time and talents. I would love to know what made you happy this week. Did you see an old friend, take a walk in the woods, get to look at the ocean or take ride in a cab in New York City? Did you cook a meal that really tasted good, buy a new dress, or finish writing a story? Did you meet someone new that you shared an instant connection with? Did something make you happy at work? Special moments can be big or small but they are more powerful when you take the time to notice and celebrate them each day. What special moment or moments did you experience this week? It's Wednesday and time to become reflective about what I want to do and how I want to spend my life. Today Jamie Ridler asked, "What gifts do you want to share?" This is a perfect question for me today . Through my blog, through my stories, and through my workshops, I wish to share what I have learned from living life. I know it is my life story but if I can help women, both young and old, get to know themselves better through something I say, write or do then I will feel I have accomplished alot. Many women still put themselves last. I would love to share with them what I have learned over the years about taking care of yourself and finding and sharing your gifts and talents with the world. I love to see the smile on someone's face when something I say or write sparks something within and they begin to recognize and believe in the talents they are so lucky to possess. My greatest wish is that they then can begin to share their talents with the world so the circle of success and happiness will continue to grow.
"If we don't appreciate ourselves, it's very difficult to accept the appreciation of anyone else or to attract a whole lot of success into our lives." Mike Robbins
My last two posts were about the importance of encouraging someone else. Then I opened one of my journals this morning and one of the pieces of papers stuck inside had the above quote on it. I think it was the perfect quote for me to find as I continue on my writing journey. Writing for me is a very important form of self expression. I write for myself and I write for others as well. It is something I enjoy doing. There are days when I do appreciate my writing and feel that I am getting better and then there are the days that are full of self doubt. I think that this is probably pretty normal but my goal is to have more days when I feel confident about my writing. I know the key is to keep writing and to keep sharing my stories. I am going to add a story page to my blog so that I can begin to share my short stories with my blogging friends. I think this is a good next step for me. I would love to know what you do to appreciate yourself and the life you are living. Some people know exactly what they want to do in every stage of life. This week I was lucky enough to go see two very different types of productions at local theaters. One was a musical about a song writer in the sixties and the other was a big band performance of New Orleans Jazz. The song writer passed away several years ago but the band leader and his two best friends from school were very much a part of the performance. As I listened to the music last night, the one thing that the stars of both shows had in common was that they knew what they wanted to do at a very early age and they received encouragement from their mothers. Mothers were mentioned either in the play itself or the program. Their creativity and talents were encouraged by someone close to them at an early age. I think encouragement is very important at any age. Letting someone know you appreciate their talents and the effort they put forth everyday can make a big difference to that person. A singer wants to be heard, a dancer wants to be watched, a writer wants to be read. We all want to be valued for who we are and the efforts we are making. If you know someone who is trying something new or something different or just trying to find their way in this often difficult time, take a moment to encourage them. It can be a special moment for both of you! I would love to know who or what encourages you each day.
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who sent such encouraging wishes yesterday. Your words of confidence and enthusiasm for my wish were so exciting. I also thought I would share a little about my journey and why I want to write. I have lots of memories from school because I really loved it but two that stand out involve writing. In second grade I wrote a book that I was so proud of. My teacher sent it in to a contest to be published and I didn't win. I don't remember much about the disappointment of not winning just the excitement of having the chance to have my story published. In sixth grade I had an incredible teacher. He wore a suit to work everyday and rarely left his desk but somehow he knew just what every student needed and made us all feel very special. That was the year I wrote, directed, and produced my own play. For a pretty shy girl this was amazing. When I stood on that stage I felt really different.
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher (I didn't think I could be an actress but that was my real dream). I got to stay home with my son but when he was ten I began to teach. I loved to bring out the creativity in my students and we wrote and drew and put on plays, etc. all while staying within curriculum. My teaching strategies were very different from most teachers but my kids scored well on standardized tests so everyone left me alone to teach the way that I taught best. It was great and I went on to share my way of teaching with others. Some loved what I did and some just didn't get it. One year I went to a board meeting and when I got there I realized that this was the night that The Young Authors' Awards were being presented. I was so excited to see that every student that received an award had been one of my students at some point in time. It was one of those special moments in life that cannot be duplicated. Fast forward several years to where I am now. I am retired and trying to find myself. It has definitely been a journey which has been frustrating at times but also one that I am glad that I have taken. I have been writing, painting, praciticing yoga and so much more. But because I was so serious in the early part of my life I told myself and others that this was my time to have fun. And it is. I want to have fun but I don't want to lessen the things that mean alot to me by saying "I write for fun" or "I paint for fun". I do both because they are important to me. I think sharing ideas and communicating with others is important. I hope to do both through my writing and my painting. I have learned so much from what others have shared on their blogs. Hopefully, something that I have to say will spark an idea within one of my readers. I am taking a writing class now. A common theme that seems to run through all of my stories is a woman going through a transitional time in her life and the moment that defines the path she will take. Maybe yesterday was that moment for me. The moment when I said that I was a writer and all of the moments when I read your words of encouragement. So again, thank you!! It meant alot to hear from so many special people. It is Wednesday and time to wish with the gang at Jamie Ridler's Wishcasting Wednesday. This week Jamie's prompt was "What limits do I wish to set?' I actually want to stop a self imposed limit I have set on my writing. I keep saying to people that I write for fun. I do. But I also write because I have something to say and I want to be heard. I need to give my writing the respect it deserves. I am proud of it and I need to say that rather than I do it "just" for fun. So this week I will begin to write everyday, share what I write with others while removing any limits I have imposed on my craft, and see where this takes me.