Now, that I am retired my days have slowed down. I have more time for myself and the work that I do now. I am in charge of my schedule and can make appointments to suit my needs. It's a different time of life and one that I am glad that I can enjoy. It's not easy for me to change. It was not easy for me to retire. But I did it and now I am learning a whole new way of experiencing life. What is really great is that through my coaching I still continue to teach; something that I love to do.
I'm glad I got up extra early today. I'm glad I took the time to observe people in their everyday comings and goings. And I am glad that I took the time to think about all the good things that have happened to me both in the past and in the present. It is so easy to remember the hard times; but so very important to remember what makes life special. I hope that you will take a moment today to take a walk down memory lane and remember something that makes you happy and energized.
When you share your talent and your gifts with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin.