I love these words. Just reading them makes me want to go out and do something different and fun. What if I went to the park for the free concert tomorrow and sketched ? What if I got up early and took a walk around the lake? What if I took a drawing class or music class or found a new trainer? What if I went to NYC and went to see a play. (I am going to do that soon and can't wait) What if ... What if ... What if I spend tomorrow being spontaneous? No plans, no expectations, just seeing what happens. It sounds right, it sounds like it would be just the thing I need! I will let you know what happens.
"More important than talent, strength, or knowledge is the ability to laugh at yourself and enjoy the pursuit of your dreams."
Amy Grant
I hope that you will take the time to enjoy the pursuit of your dreams and have fun doing it.
When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens. Let the magic begin!
PS I would love to know what you are going to do for fun today.